Hearts of iron 4 crashing
Hearts of iron 4 crashing

  • Yugoslavia may now complete industry focuses if the owner of the province is their subject.
  • fixed foreign equipments not showing up under stockpiles ui.
  • hearts of iron 4 crashing

  • Banning Communism or Fascism should now also remove foreign communist/fascist influence national spirits.
  • Fixed a bug where Serbia was using the incorrect country colours.
  • added a special infantry model with Pickelhaube for Unaligned Germany (Waking the Tiger).
  • The Heavy Cruiser 3d Asset Pack has been merged into the base game.
  • added a number of new releaseable nations to the game.
  • Reworked and tweaked the starting position for Romania (Death or Dishonor).
  • Reworked Focus Tree for Yugoslavia (Death or Dishonor).
  • hearts of iron 4 crashing

    It was superseded by patch 1.10.1 which was released on coinciding with the release of Battle for the Bosporus DLC. Patch 1.10, aka "Collie", was not released officially.

    Hearts of iron 4 crashing